The Youth National Security Strategy is a next-gen, alternative vision for Australian security—backed by a concrete policy agenda. It is the culmination of a months-long process of workshopping, research, and policy development. Forty-two young leaders led the charge, with seventy experts advising along the way. Learn more about the process here.


The youth Representatives who shaped the strategy:

Afeeya Akhand, Alex Goth, Aris Schuler-Shah, Bayan Yazdani, Bridget Smart, Cassidy Sneikus, Cosmo Jones, Daniel Nielsen, Douglas Radford, Eleanor Boxall, Elizabeth Reynolds, Emily Leggett, Emmanouil Vourvahakis, Eugene Cantwell, Gemma Purnell, Grace James, Himaushu Hardikar, Jack Dalrymple, Jasmine Robertson, Jaya Pastor-Elsegood, Jeremy Luk, Julian Neuweiler, Ky Ellevsen, Lauren Alexander, Lucinda Gibson, Lucy Fowler, Meg Ruyters, Mitchell Henson, Nathan Hey, Olivia Turner, Prudence Luttrell, Runqi (Jeff) Ma, Saanjana Kapoor, Sarah Claxton-Vicars, Senuri Liyanage, Sky Lo, Stephanie Lee, Tamkin Essa, Tessa Minns, Thenu Herath, Thomas Paparo, and Timothy Bell.

You can read their bios here.


Thank you to the keynote speakers who helped frame the issues for our Reps in the policy-workshops:

Major General (Ret'd) Duncan Lewis AO DSC CSC, Jacqui de Lacy, the Hon Julie Bishop, Prof Kate Reynolds, Dr Maria Milosavljevic, Peter Varghese AO, Dr Robert Glasser, Roland Rajah, Prof Rory Medcalf AM, and Prof Susan Harris Rimmer.


Thank you to the subject-matter experts who advised the deliberations of our Rep working groups:

Allan Gyngell AO, Amanda Leck, Prof Andrew Markus, Dr Bec Strating, Dr Benjamin Herscovitch, Prof Bina D'Costa, Prof Brendan Sargeant (vale), Bridi Rice, Briony Roelandts, Caitlin Gauci, Cheryl Durrant, Chris Mohan, Dr Darren Lim, Dr Elise Stephenson, Dr Elizabeth Buchanan, Hayley Channer, Jacinta Carrol, James Batley, Dr Jennifer Jacket, Jennifer Wittwer CSM, Jessica Mackenzie, Dr Jill Sheppard, Johanna Weaver, John Blackburn AO, Prof John Blaxland, John Garnaut, Karly Winkler, Katherine Mansted, Dr Katrina Lee-Koo, Lisa Kaplan, Lisa Sharland, Melissa Conley Tyler, Michael L'Estrange AO, Molly Harris Olson, Natasha Kassam, Dr Nicholas Thomson, Peter Hartcher, Prof Peter J. Dean, Rachel Falk, Rachel Hatton CSM, Sam Roggeveen, Prof Shahar Hameiri, Sophia Hamblin Wang, Dr Teagan Westendorf, Dr William Stoltz, Yun Jiang, and other government officials in a private capacity.


Thank you to the sponsors who made this initiative possible:

Australian National University (principal partner), Kiah Consulting (principal partner), Australian Army, United States Embassy, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, ANU College of Arts and Social Science, ANU College of Law, Crawford School of Public Policy, National Security College, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Student Extra-Curricular Enrichment Fund (ANU), and Swell Design Group.


You can learn more about the initiative's organisers, advisory board, and sponsors here.


Website designed by Stephen Hutchings and built by Brody Smith.